Saturday, October 30, 2010


First time I saw her, I fell in love with her. She was so divine and perfect, I couldn't take my eyes off her. I wanted to go talk to her and be friends with her. I think, the case was of love at first sight. I didn't believe in these theories until today, when I experienced it myself. The feeling was so different, so new. I knew what I wanted but how to get it, I didn't. I tried so many times to catch her attention but I just can't say whether she noticed me or not. Everyday was the same story, I just used to gaze at her all day long. It's said that "hard-work is the key to success". But in my case it was "hesitation is the key to failure". I kept waiting for the right time to make a move but that right time never came.

Actually, this is the kind of crap I hear from most of the guys in my friend circle. The others are what I call "Dudes" :)

Monday, October 18, 2010

When I feel like Writing..

It starts with a feeling of doing something other than the daily chores. Everyday schedule is so fixed and pre-decided that it's very difficult for any new stuff to find a place in, what we can call "a chart of daily activities". Or rather we are so obsessed with our daily routine that we don't find time to do anything else.

But sooner or later, one always takes out sometime for doing stuff one always liked. One thing that everyone complains about is shortage of time. I think that one thing we are here to learn is to how to manage time. If we just learn this one thing then nothing is out of your reach. Everything is attainable and nothing is impossible. Well, may be I am deviating from the topic, but as the blog title says, "Learning to express myself..", I think I am very much on the right track!

My mind is always cluttered with these random thoughts. And once someone asked me as to what I write about, I instantly answered,"Any random thought that comes to my mind!". Why does mind keeps thinking about something or the other? Every time you come across something either new or familiar, your mind takes you to this whole new place. And you are there until someone wakes you up. People call that day-dreaming but that's where you wish to be. These places are so fun and easygoing that if no one disturbed you, then you would have sailed from one thought to the other without any restrictions whatsoever.

I always like advocating, that one should always follow his interests! I came across these very nice lines somewhere,
"You are never at work when you like your work!"
Though reality is tough but all you day-dreamers, your thoughts can transform into a wonderful reality with little extra effort and governing time.

See you till I feel like writing again..!!
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