Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Digital Root ...!!

The digits of a number, x are rearranged i.e. x is permuted resulting in a new number, y. Now subtracting the smaller of x and y from the other gives the result as r. If the digits of r are added such that the result is obtained to be a single digit, then it always come to be 9. i.e. the digital root of r will be 9.

For example,
Let x=6732
Rearranging the digits randomly gives, y=3762
Now, x-y=2970
Adding the digits => 2+9+7+0=18 => 1+8 = 9

Now, here's something very interesting. The above fact can be utilized to device a very clever trick that you can try with your friends.

The trick goes like this:-
Tell your friend that you have some psychic qualities. ;)
Ask him to write a number on a piece of paper without showing it to you. Then ask him to rearrange the digits of the number to obtain a new number. Now, subtract the smaller from the larger number.
Now, add the digits to obtain a single digit. Ask him to add 4 to the resulting number and bring the answer in single digit. Now select the English alphabet corresponding to that number and write the name of a country starting with that alphabet. Ask him to write the name of an animal with the second character in the name of that country.
You can now surprise him just by saying " There are no elephants in Denmark!!".

This is because almost every guy would choose the country to be Denmark and the animal will be elephant. You can try it yourself..!!
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