But what actually is perfection?? According to the english dictionary, perfection or paragon means the state of being without a flaw or defect.
Since I am an engineering student, one good thing I learnt is about Expert Systems. Much efforts were made to construct a general purpose problem solver, but nothing could be done. The solution was an expert system: A system which could act as an expert in a restricted and fixed domain.
What I feel is, that is the way how one could gain perfection. It's very disheartening but the fact is, today a guy don't give much attention to his interests just so because of the competitive world.
There is no such thing known as hobbies left today. Everyone wants to follow the herd. There are very few examples of people in this world, who did what they wanted to. But they are the one who became successful. There are a hell lot of people who love to criticize others. But this should not bother you. Look, this is the thing that I like about Aamir Khan's movies. Apart from being very entertaining, they are very inspiring too. Take for example: Taare Zameen Par and 3Idiots. These movies tried to tell us one thing and that is 'Interests leads to Success'. No wonder Aamir Khan is known as a perfectionist today.
This is the best part: I think that If you want to be a perfectionist, be selfless first. I don't care what others feel. According to me, a guy who comes first in the class is not a perfectionist. For me, a guy who helps others in studies or in any other way is a paragon. There are a few people whom I really admire for this. :)
5 stars for the last 5 lines
nice :)
its really good to see your bolg... very nicely said about perfection.. :)
keep blogging dude ;)
nice nice...float dis article 2 whole batch...guud :)
hey guys....thanx for admiration!!
well said champ....[;p]...hu r they people.......
bravo mate ! .. nice article :)
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